Welcome to Investing Without Losing, your ultimate resource to tax liens and alternative investments to Wall Street. Please note this site is a value added complementary addition for the book, Complete Guide to Real Estate Tax Liens and Foreclosure Deeds: Learn in 7 Days-Investing Without Losing Series
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Is there a website out there where you can do a title search? I spoke with a real estate law attorney and he mentioned he would charge $150.00 to do so. That could become very expensive if your looking at multiple properties, any suggestions?
Is there a website out there where you can do a title search? I spoke with a real estate law attorney and he mentioned he would charge $150.00 to do so. That could become very expensive if your looking at multiple properties, any suggestions?
county clerks office , in most cases, have the court records on the property.
It will have tax liens, IRS liens (bad) and deed records. I can see most of that online here in Texas. Its best to search by owners name if you know it. or cross reference it to a owner with a property description. Liens are on people and do not come off property that's what a title search is, looking for liens. and that why they charge 150 to do that, because it can be a time consuming process.
hi Don I bought your book The Ultimate foreclosure kit and I'm reference to the your website "investing without losing" to try to find the tax auction list in my area can you help? The site doesnt seem to be up to date.
It doesn't look as if this site is updated anymore.
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